Bote & Bock
In Kontraste, small as well a large scale differences are apparent. For example, the two pieces both contrast with each other as well as having contrasting elements within each of their four respective parts.
Kontraste 1: The first section, although using pizzicato throughout, creates an air of calmness which stands in contrast to the smooth legato (arco) part which follows. It begins in the middle register but gradually opens out to embrace a three octave range. In the second section the pizzicato, although becoming integrated within the arco, is heard as disjointed, unstable figurations. The third part is powerful and decisive with its rising melodic gestures, while in the final section, perceived as a resume, the principle of movement and non-movement is yet again contrasted.
Kontraste 2: The filigree-like sonorities disturb the overall singing quality of this piece. The repetition of these contrasting textures brings with it variation; however, their opposition is not resolved but rather is intensified.
Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer (1990)

Kolja Lessing
Internationale Isang Yun Gesellschaft IYG 007