Felix Woyrsch
After decades of oblivion Felix Woyrsch is nowadays considered as one of the most important North German composers of his generation * is experiencing a renaissance since his 150th birthday in 2010 * lived and worked in Altona near Hamburg since his adolescence * as a composer Woyrsch was an autodidact * owing to his longstanding activity as conductor of the Altonaer Singakademie his oeuvre is characterized by vocal and stage works, e.g. his early Christmas cantata Die Geburt Jesu, oratorios (Passionsoratorium, Totentanz und Da Jesus auf Erden ging) and operas (Der Pfarrer von Meudon und Weiberkrieg) *established a reputation as composer of symphonic works after the turn of the century and published 6 symphonies * in 1914 triumphant premiere of his second symphony and subsequent gain in prominence in North Germany * stylistically built upon the traditions of Johannes Brahms and Richard Wagner without being considered conservative * in 1933 mandatory retirement imposed by the Nazis
Works by Felix Woyrsch include:
Die Geburt Jesu op.18 Christmas cantata for soli, mixed chorus and orchestra
Ode an den Tod op.57 for male chorus and orchestra
Symphony No.2 in C Major op.60 for large orchestra